Frequently Asked Questions

  • First of all, only you can know what is right for you! However, if your curious about sustainability, traditional skills, building or permaculture this course goes to the depths of those topics while infusing it with just the right amount of spiritual practice!

  • Accessibility is important to me, which means I try to create a course with multiple price options! Check the ticket options on the registration page for more details. One note, I have heard from many past students that they wish they would have stayed on site to allow themselves to be fully immersed in the container.

  • The course curriculum is designed to gift you with as much as I can during the 9 days. It’s days are full and rich, however, we place a huge emphasis on self care throughout our time together and you are welcome to do as you please throughout the course!
    It is YOUR course!
    Take breaks, nap, stretch as you please! We celebrate you meeting your needs here!